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Friday, June 29, 2018

Sorry Charlie

Palmer Report: Sorry, Donald, criminal suspects don’t get to pick which judge decides their fate by Bill Palmer


Glynn Kalara said...

Palmer is wrong, not only will he get to pick Kennedy's replacement in a few weeks but he's already placed a Justice on the Court ( Neil Gorsuch) that will loyally do whatever his Master wants so he'll have two votes that he's chosen or will he? SCOTUS Judges don't always do what you want once they have a lifetime job you can't do anything about. These Judges actually are untouchable by a sitting President so Donald had better get his loyalty pledge in writing or pick someone he has some kind of hold on. You know like the kind Putin has on him.

Jim Sande said...

I get sick to my stomach thinking about this. Can you imagine that Trump, of all people, is setting up reality in America for decades. How fucking distorted can it get.