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Monday, March 19, 2018

Morning Joe - After Removing McCabe, Will Trump Go After Robert Mueller?


Glynn Kalara said...

The GOP Congressional leadership and many of its members seem to have no problem with the Russian Dictator Putin is how I read all of this. I think that raises a lot of very interesting questions about where things are at in DC. Is the country in the hands of a far-right alliance of countries that include Russia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, and others? This reminds me of where things stood in the UK, US, France and other countries in the late 30's where there were factions in all these countries that were openly pro-Fascist. Are we seeing the rise of a proto-Fascist Axis? The GOP is not acting like a conservative party anymore it's morphing into an openly Fascist /White Nat'list party in front of our eyes. The Dems. don't seem to get that or if they do they don't seem to know how to respond to this situation.

Jim Sande said...

This doesn't end well. It's almost like each day is becoming part of the slow revelation of clues that get us seemingly closer to a point where the clash between justice and Trump meet. Trump acts like he's guilty, talks like he's guilty, and even looks like he's guilty and his way to fight back is to lie and wield power in the ugliest ways imaginable taking out anyone or anything that represents a challenge. It's crooked Hillary, fake news, a corrupt FBI, fake memos, witch hunt and on and on. Meanwhile he adoringly talks about despots like Putin. So yes you are onto it.