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Wednesday, December 06, 2017


The Atlantic: Embracing Depravity - Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and Roy Moore are making it increasingly difficult for a moral person to be a loyal Republican by Conor Friedersdorf


Glynn Kalara said...

I wish this was true but the truth is pushing the GOP and its base on moral grounds is a waste of time since their idea of morals is already so twisted what's the pt.?

Jim Sande said...

There are a few that are pealing away from the GOP as a result of Moore being embraced after initially being rejected. I think the Democrats have a lot to work with in 2018 if Moore wins and even if he doesn't win. Look what the GOP is made up now - KKK, white supremacists, alt right lunatics, conspiracy nuts, flat earthers, and fundamentalists. That's some heady mix.

Mark said...


You're holding out for reason. I wish I was as optimistic as you. I think the "heady mix" will find it's own platform. The Musket Party perhaps?

It doesn't seem impossible that we'll have three parties in our lifetime. "Traditional Republicans" will merge with "Moderate Democrats" (they're the same anyway) and the left will find it's own outlet.

Jim Sande said...

Mark - I'm not naive enough to think that this mess has hit bottom. Eventually there will be improvement. Everything is impermanent.