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Monday, September 04, 2017



Glynn Kalara said...

He wouldn't bother trying to read the manual. Donald is instead attempting to fly the Presidency by the seat of his pants and he'll crash it just like everything else he mismanages bankrupts, sues and then blames everyone else. That so many people bought his I'm a great businessman and deal maker lie is what's so amazing. A very BIG part of how that happened though is a simple but very BIG lie told endlessly on the right for decades. The Gov't needs to be run like a BUSINESS. I hear this screed endlessly from my GOP pals. So, who better to do that then a so called businessman, right? WRONG, because Donald is anything but a businessman. He's a performer a Circus klown playing acting a businessman.

Jim Sande said...

It's pretty ugly. The more that comes to light about this guy, the lower he sinks in terms of his humanity. He's loathsome. People that vote for this guy are either completely overlooking his character with the rose tinted glasses on or they approve of this type of character because this is how they themselves are.