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Monday, September 25, 2017


Science Daily: Winter cold extremes linked to high-altitude polar vortex weakening
summary - When the strong winds that circle the Arctic slacken, cold polar air can escape and cause extreme winter chills in parts of the Northern hemisphere. A new study finds that these weak states have become more persistent over the past four decades and can be linked to cold winters in Russia and Europe.


Glynn Kalara said...

2013 -2014 winters in the Northeast were due in part to this phenomenon. We're also seeing more blocking highs in the North Atlantic that lock in storms along the Northeast coasts at times. Hurricane's Irene ( 2011) & Hurricane Sandy ( 2012) in NJ were an example of this phenomenon. It's been said the northern branch of the west to east Jetstream is slowing because of the extreme warming in the high latitudes. All kinds of climatic and weather-related things are changing as the warming deepens. Computer models have predicted these changes and worse to come. The strengthening of Hurricanes and Typhoons is another prediction starting to happen with levels of devastation increasing because of the huge increases in populations in the path of these storms.

Jim Sande said...

Aye yi yi yi yi. It all makes me feel utterly powerless. I keep thinking of the Big Lebowski - fuck it dude, let's go bowling.