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Friday, September 22, 2017


  Between the brain and the mouth there’s a very special human characteristic. We call that characteristic different names like - discretion, consideration, weighing our words, awareness, politeness, sensitivity, and more. Some people give that characteristic a lot of attention, some little attention, and some no attention at all. The latter are the people that never learned how to utilize this very special human characteristic, and there is no time or gap between words and mouth. These people tend to ‘say what’s on their minds’, or to speak their biased truth, or to be politically incorrect, or simply put some have very poor impulse control.

  Be very careful and alert with the people who have poor impulse control. They will challenge you in a way that gives you a few choices because their words more than likely will be offensive. You response can be to walk away, be more clever and turn their words around, or at worst, you can lose patience and begin a war of words. Unfortunately, no one wins in a war of words.

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