Thursday, August 17, 2017

Down They Go

NY Times: Confederate Monuments Are Coming Down Across the Country. Here’s a List. By MATTHEW BLOCH, MORRIGAN McCARTHY, LIAM STACK and WILSON ANDREWS


Glynn Kalara said...

GOOD this is way overdue if you ask me. These men were TRAITORS! Would we tolerate statutes of Benedict Arnold in our town squares. and parks? Would we allow streets and building s and airports to be named after him? LEE was an EVIL MOFO he was not the benign old Gentlemen he's made out to be in popular myth. He was a brutal slave owner and and murderer. He was no better than Nathan Bedford Forrest the founder of the KKK. Who in his later years refudiated them for being too violent. Lee never did that and died an embittered old man. His memory has been glossed for too long. Its time for these monuments to Traitors and to EVIL be removed.

Jim Sande said...

I support that they take them down. Unlike many though, I believe they should be preserved for historical purposes, warehouse them, catalogue them, and turn out the lights for a hundred years from now. Future generations can see for themselves and have their perspective.