Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Deranged Person

NY Times: How to Handle Donald Trump by Gail Collins
It was truly the kind of performance you expect from a deranged person, brought out to explain why he blew up a large government building and inquiring cheerfully: “Has anybody seen my car? It’s really nice. A Ford Pinto.”


Glynn Kalara said...

I thought General Kelly was being brought in to contain him. That didn't work out too well did it. All he brought Kelly in for was to contain everyone else NOT him. Kelly won't hang out too long once he realizes his career and his reputation will be forever stained by his service to this EVIL creature. Maybe he thinks he's Rommel the honorable soldier patriot serving his Country first? WRONG.

Jim Sande said...

It's not just Kelly, all these Trump hanger-on-ers are destined for the garbage pile of history. Considering all the media we have now, they are forever linked to Trump.