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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Email It

 I wrote this. Please feel free to copy and paste it. Below are the links which will take you directly to the New York Senators' email

Dear Senator

  Given that President Donald Trump is under a criminal investigation which has ‘the smell of treason’ to it, it is imperative that you do not confirm his choice of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. Do not confirm this pick. I am dismayed that President Obama’s choice for the open seat, Merrick Garland, was not even given a fair hearing by the Republican controlled Senate, and for the flimsiest of excuses. Therefore, given that we have a President who has a criminal investigation hanging over him and by extension the country, this is most certainly not a flimsy excuse, you must not confirm his selection.


Sen. Gillibrand's email

Sen. Schumer's email

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