Monday, March 06, 2017

Digby's Latest

Salon: Trump’s Obama gambit: It’s utter nonsense — but not as dumb as it seems - Can Trump muddy the waters and lure the media into covering the "real scandal"? Don't assume it won't work by Heather Digby Parton


Glynn Kalara said...

I agree with her analysis. Trumpf has done this before and its worked. He lies BIGLY and turns the whole thing around and makes himself into a victim of the exact things he is Projecting he would like to do to others.

Jim Sande said...

Except one thing, now he is the president and with that goes a lot more investigation.

Glynn Kalara said...

Investigation of what and whom? Unlike, Obama who looked forward and let BV$H off the hook for eight yrs. of criminality, Trumpf doesn't seem to be following that script. I could be wrong, but it looks like in place of actually governing he's decided to run an increasingly insane witch hunt against everyone and anyone who dares oppose him starting with Obama. If Obama spent eight yrs. trying to be conciliatory to the GOP with no luck Trumpf looks as if he'll do just the opposite and count on his lynch mob to back him up on the street armed if necessary. I fear really ugly days lay ahead where all of us are going to have to decide when enough is enough and sadly the other side is going to be doing just the same thing. Bullies love to pit people against each other and that's what I'm seeing here. People who I know that worked for him in the past have told me this is exactly how he ran his company putting people like Pitbulls against each other to see who the most vicious and nasty were and elevating them.

Jim Sande said...

This sounds right to me, i.e. his mode of operation. When I read about his long history of partners in Russia, that became clear. The Russians don't play nice as we know.