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Monday, November 17, 2014

TRNN - $4.3 Billion Fine For Fraud In Exchange Market Manipulations Is Pittance For Major Banks


Glynn Kalara said...

Massive Systemic fraud has now been LOL downsized to the level of a speeding ticket and fine. On the other hand actual speeding tickets have been steadily raised to the level of a major crime in some states.

Jim Sande said...

It's funny but nobody knows about it or cares about it. You'd think people would be up in arms, turns out it's just business...

Glynn Kalara said...

Nobody knows because the MSM puts it on the back pages and off the air waves. They keep terrorism and EBOLA front and center.

Jim Sande said...

The MSM is in the business of making money and being a viable corporate entity. They make their money through advertising. The boards of the advertising supporters have by laws which require that the status quo be maintained and if it is not maintained then their advertising dollars stop flowing. So the MSM is directly influenced by corporate status quo by laws. It always strikes me as interesting to see that Rachel Maddow's sponsor is a ad that tells how safe fracking is. She earns her money via fracking. So the hypocrisies and strange bedfellows are everywhere to behold. That's America and everybody knows that.