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Friday, March 22, 2013

The Market On Friday

  Good morning and welcome to the weekend. It is 23 degrees and cloudy here in Upstate NY. Once again the temperatures are expected to go above freezing later today. More snow will melt, as I predicted the snow will be gone this weekend. I could be wrong.

  At 7:50 a.m. E.T. futures are slightly higher and the price of oil per barrel is up. The market is poised to open higher.

  The main topic in this morning's article is Cyprus. That nation allegedly has till Monday to figure out how to get out of it's economic mess or it faces expulsion from the European Union. The fear seems to involve the possibility that this financial crisis is another tip of the iceberg, where other nations in the E.U. face a similar fate to that of Cyprus. It is a fear of a type of unraveling as it were. Hope and fear, hope and fear, they say abandon all hope and fear except for investors and it's true, right. This thing will unravel if that is what needs to happen regardless of how we fear it or wish it to go away.

CNN: Stocks: Waiting for Cyprus
"After several days of meeting with Russian officials, Cypriots have come back empty handed..."

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