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Monday, March 25, 2013

Alcohol And The Nervous System

It was difficult finding an excerpt to quote for this post. The difficulty was that each of the many many paragraphs in this article review a long list of problems that alcohol causes to the nervous system. The amazing thing about this article is that the long lengthy list is only about how alcohol affects the nervous system. It does not address other systems of the body.

Yahoo: The Affects Alcohol Has on the Nervous System
The more a person stays unconscious due to heavy drinking the more likely it is that that person will receive miniature brain hemorrhages.

Each hemorrhage is a point were brain cells die from lack of oxygen. Clinical symptoms of the central nervous system being high with alcohol are diminution of attention, emotional instability, decreased sensory response, increased reaction time, impaired balance, disturbance of vision and perception of color, form, motion and dimensions, muscular in coordination, impaired consciousness, depressed reflexes, subnormal body temperature, impaired circulation and respiration and possible death from respiratory arrest.

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