Sunday, March 03, 2013


AlterNet: Sequester Insanity: Why Are We Flushing Economic Recovery Down the Toilet? - We have to kill austerity before it kills us.


Glynn Kalara said...

They , not we are flushing it down the toilet, because they want the State crushed and privatized. Meaning totally Corporatized, meaning the mass of State workers are to be reduced to poverty wages like the rest of the population. In the end the .001% elite only need about 20 mil. of us to work at any given time. The remaining 280 mil. are to be reduced to part-time workers without any benefits or Social safety net. The poorer and more desperate we are to survive the better is the theory. We should be thankful we are allowed to stay alive for now. Think of a vast capitalist version of the old Soviet labor gulags. As the planet changes and life becomes more and more difficult a two class society will be more and more diserable, so when the time comes for mass exterminations/genocide it will be easy for these folks. A degraded planet that can only support a few millions has no need of masses of surplus laborers does it?

Jim Sande said...

That's a grim and disturbing picture. Global warming will not discriminate but the rich will definitely have better lifeboats. We're not helpless here, we still have good minds and possibilities.