Saturday, March 16, 2013


I got the alleged random call from Quinnipiac polling today. They asked me a series of questions on political issues and how these issues are playing out in NY. The issues were fracking, gun control, Cuomo approve or disapprove, then onto Obama approve or disapprove, then onto personal info - party, voted in 2012, age, income, stuff like that. At one point he asks me do you approve or disapprove of Obama. I asked if there was anything in between. The only specific question was what exactly is your religion, if you have one. I left the interview feeling that nothing important had been exchanged, that this pollster knew virtually nothing except that maybe I identified myself mostly as a liberal/progressive. The problem is the questions were polarizing questions without any nuance whatsoever. Either you approved or disapproved. It's similar to voting D or R, both are rather unappealing and there's no other realistic choice, excepting possibly Green Party in certain tiny liberal enclaves and the vote is for a local official out of the Federal spotlight.

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