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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Global Warming - America - Good And Mostly Bad

HuffPo: How Global Warming Went Cold in America


Glynn Kalara said...

Whose surprised you have the Carbon lobbying pouring huge amounts of cold cash on anyone that dares even bring up Climate change. Anything to keep their addicted customers focused on the gas pump and nothing else.

Jim Sande said...

You know it's interesting, but it appears to be that as a species, we are pretty stupid. Not a whole lot better than animals in terms of going for things that are right in front of our faces as opposed to applying wisdom over the long haul. Some people have foresight, but as a species it's not in the ordinary joes genetic make-up. Somebody should do a detailed history of our garbage dump creation. Right now we are treating the atmosphere as a garbage dump and leaving it inhabitable. I wonder what the increased inhalation of CO2 is doing to not just humans but all species.

Glynn Kalara said...

Actually, my scientist friends say it would probably never get high enough to suffocate us, it could however get high enough to fry us.