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Friday, June 22, 2012

Psychic Donation

Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock (R) put out this video requesting donations for his campaign. In the video he applauds the Supremes for striking down Obamacare.

Hey, he must be psychic too, the Supremes have not struck it down...yet.


Glynn Kalara said...

Yea, what does this guy know the rest of us don't? He's assuming the Roberts Ct. will do so because they're the most right wing ct. since the Plessey Ct. in the 1890's. He's probably right though. I expect the mandate to be ruled unconstitutional. That isn't such a bad thing either. Obama didn't want the Public Option and that opened the door to a challenge. The Ins. companies are thrilled because they win either way the court rules.

Jim Sande said...

I would imagine that in right wing circles, Obama health care reform is history. The only thing remaining is how much of it do they strike down, the partial AKA mandate or the full monty. I am surprised to see stories on the MSM talking about who will be hurt when it's struck down. It's like a buttering up before the axe chops. It's like yes, we understand but you're still fired...

Glynn Kalara said...

The mandate is NOT popular, nobody wants to be forced to BUY some greedy thieving Ins. companies crappy product no matter who gets hurt. I expect them to throw the mandate out and maybe even the whole thing along with it. If they do that Romney will have a problem going into the election.