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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Squirrels And Santorum

We were out walking the dog through the neighborhood and I couldn't help but notice that the local squirrel population is really taking a beating. Lots of squirrels and chipmunks are squashed to bits from getting caught under vehicle tires. Its an ongoing little tragic reminder as you're walking. How about a squirrel graveyard area somewhere in town? As you know the squirrel body remains and decomposes on the road or by the side of the road. Still, somehow my dog finds these bodies and all of a sudden I'm walking along and the dog has a dead squirrel in its mouth, all happy and proud. A small battle ensues trying to convince the dog to "drop it." I've taken several remains to a remote spot myself because I had enough of the latter reoccurring.

We had a guest over earlier. We started to talk politics and the guest tells me the humorous anecdote that is going around about Santorum. You probably already heard this one but they say he has a brilliant mind especially brilliant for the 13th Century. How true is that? Maher has a funny line, he says that Santorum believes life begins at erection. It worries me that someone like Santorum can rise as high as he presently is rising. The election system is so messed up in this country, let's do away with the present system and simply go with the candidate that gets the most votes wins. Enough of these state by state Karl Rove strategies designed to piece together enough backwards minds to elect an especially regressive conservative.

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