Sunday, July 24, 2011

On The GOP's Main Goal - Destroy Obama

Contempt for the GOP is growing in leaps and bounds. 17% of the population approves of Congress.

The Daily Beast: America's Cold Civil War
They (the GOP) are clearly calculating that the economic devastation their vandalism could create will so hurt the economy that it could bring them back to power through the wreckage. And they will use every smear, every lie, every canard possible to advance this goal. The propaganda channel dreamt of by Roger Ailes in the Nixon era will continue to pump poison into the body politic, until they defeat the man whose legitimacy as president they have never truly accepted.


Glynn Kalara said...

Obama was hired by his Corp. pals as a placeholder. BV$H 2 had so damaged the GOP brand they knew anyone but a Goper was going to win in 2008 so they fished around for a guy they could easily control. What were seeing is just a kabuki show. Obama is another Carter only good as a placeholder for the GOP between massive robberies.

Jim Sande said...

Your point is well taken. The power elite still run the show. That is so easy to forget as the media revolves around the phoney facade news.