Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ultra Right Wing 2012 Candidate

I did not watch the GOP debate last night. I just don't have the heart for it right now. Instead we watched some of season three of 'True Blood.' This is in fact relevant because let's face it, we are getting our beings sucked dry by the political machine in this country.

Never in my lifetime have I been so disinterested and conflicted over a political campaign. We very well know that we will get a Republican President or an Ultra Right Wing Republican President in 2012. And even there I am not sure there is much of a difference. With the economy in shreds, with employment in shreds, with nothing but a good GOP kick to push SSI and Medicare off the cliff, with the encroaching GOP social agenda limiting health care, abortion, segregation, immigration, education, science, the environment, religious freedom, and you name it, we are going backwards. Progress is now a dirty word, intelligence is a dirty word, education is no longer a necessity for politicians, and the media is weaker than ever.

In this light, at some point we need to start paying attention. We will need to understand what we will be looking at from 2012 to 2016. We will need to be able to plan for our diminishing retirements, how to get adequate health care, how to transport ourselves from here to there, and simply how to live with a modicum of dignity in a nation that is war obsessed and moving further and further away from democratic rights earned over hundreds of years of immeasurable efforts.

CS Monitor: Five reasons the GOP race is so unsettled
(Cain has) shot up to second place in Iowa, behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and is tied at 15 percent with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in the latest survey by Public Policy Polling.

For now, Romney leads the pack. But he's the weakest front-runner in modern Republican history.

(Romney at) 24 percent of Republican voters. Palin places second at 16.

...87 percent (of Republican voters) saying they have no idea who they'll end up supporting.

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