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Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Counterterrorism Strategy

Reading about America's new counterterrorism policy released on Wednesday, I start to wonder what neocon based, AEI funded, PNAC loving thing is now going on and when do we get our phones tapped, emails read, internet doings recorded, bank accounts scrutinized, and DNA swabbed and categorized? Ooops, that's already going on, we are way past that...

The new policy is like the old policy except instead of 'the global war on terrorism' its now the 'war with Al Qaeda.'

We are re-branding the war on terrorism with a singular focus on post bin Laden leftovers.

Are there terrorists, yes obviously. Its just that the ones that bug me the most are the ones that are trying to scrap our Social Security and Medicare, keep the tax codes rigged so that the ultra wealthy pay nothing in taxes, continue to pump all public monies into endless wars around the globe and support it with endless militarization, and then play are patriotic and goody goody when called out on these very things.

CS Monitor: US unveils new counterterrorism strategy: three key parts
“This is the first counterterrorism strategy that focuses on the ability of Al Qaeda and its networks to inspire people in the United States to attack us from within..."

• A zeroing in on the organization’s senior leaders.

• Enhanced cooperation with allies and partners to defeat the extremist scourge.

• A sustained effort to restore America’s image and leadership in the world.

“...individuals, sometimes with little or no direct physical contact with Al Qaeda, who have succumbed to its hateful ideology.”

“We intentionally do not use ‘global war on terror’: We’re in a war with Al Qaeda.”

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