Thursday, June 09, 2011

Different Poll, Different Results

A Reuters/Ipsos poll taken on Wednesday, has Obama with a huge lead over all Republican challengers including Romney.

This of course flies in the face of another recent poll that had Romney ahead.

Yahoo: Obama holds big 2012 lead over Republicans


Glynn Kalara said...

The GOP Congress and new GOP Guvs are Obamas best buddies, because they are previewing what another GOP Pres. would be like and they don't like it. People are more likely in 2012 to vote against someone then for someone else. In either event Obama will win if that's the case. Its a long way till then and a lot can happen in the mean time and will.

Jim Sande said...

GK you could be a news commentator.
I'm quite serious man.

Part of my reason for putting up the post is simply to recognize that these polls are a pantload.