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Thursday, May 26, 2011

View Of Life

Very good opinion piece in Al Jazeera on the meaning of the term "pro -life" as it pertains to the conservative class in America.

I find it telling that this article appears in Al Jazeera. One would not likely see it published on Yahoo News for example.

Al Jazeera: The right's mirror-image view of life
The sad reality is that, to be pro-life in the US today, which is to be conservative in almost all cases, is to love thy enemy by supporting illegal wars - or just plain stupid ones - that kill hundreds of thousands of innocents, cutting health-care benefits and nutrition programs for children and the poor, and turning the other cheek … of the person you're torturing.

It is also to cut funding for bridges that are falling down to make room for slashing the tax on yacht shoes, make a best faith effort to ensure criminals, the mentally unbalanced and terrorists have access to assault weapons and C4 explosives, and to love thy neighbour - to love them so much as to give him or her a lethal injection if you think they killed someone.

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