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Thursday, May 26, 2011

UFOs And Area 51: The Bob Lazar Video

A little background -

Reading through Annie Jacobsen's 'Area 51', we learn that Bob Lazar had the job to reverse engineer a flying saucer's anti-gravity device. (All I can say is read the book.) In order to work in Area 51 one must swear an oath that essentially damned one if broken. Under duress, Lazar broke the oath and in the early 90s went public.

Is there any truth here? The radar is up.


Glynn Kalara said...

I've seen this before. He's a psycho path. I wouldn't believe a word he says. Its super market tabloid crap.

Jim Sande said...

I have virtually zero UFO knowledge or even interest. I am reading the book 'Area 51' by Jacobsen and in the beginning she makes reference to Lazar. So I looked him up on youtube and sure enough found this clip. I'm not making any claims about anything including its veracity. I'm just following the book and its definitely an interesting book. Its caught some attention.

Glynn Kalara said...

I heard her on NPRadio the other day peddling her book. I saw what some people would have called a UFO in 1988. I had house guests 2 yrs. ago that swear they all witnessed a UFO over the ocean a mile from here. Who knows?

Jim Sande said...

What she is doing in this book is attempting to build a picture of Area 51 based on testimony from individuals who allegedly worked there. Area 51 is only a small part of a huge government owned track of land larger than the state of Connecticut! She uses Lazar's statements as part of the overall matrix that she is trying to build. As I am only part way into the book, I'll get back when and if I finish.