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Friday, May 27, 2011

Medicare Backlash

The GOP has insisted that it will eliminate medicare. This fact alone has already cost them a Congressional seat out in Western NY.

The vast majority of Americans want to keep medicare as it is.

In spite of that vast majority, the GOP/Tea Party continues along a very unpopular path with the message to dissolve medicare.

I was listening to NPR yesterday and I heard a very bright investment guy talk about Wall Street and the economy. He very clearly stated that Social Security and Medicare were entitlements affecting the deficit, etc etc.

We need to restate this fact over and over and insist that people do not call Social Security an entitlement. Social Security is not an entitlement. Social Security is a retirement savings account funded by a special Social Security tax. Social Security is not funded by federal income tax money. If it were funded by federal income tax, then it would be an entitlement, however it is not funded by federal income tax money. It is funded by a separate and specifically earmarked tax called the Social Security tax.

I fear that the GOP is making inroads into people's confused little minds by restating the lie over and over that SSI is an entitlement. Let's get it straight.

CS Monitor: Medicare: Republicans voice resolve as they prepare to face constituents
A recent Gallup poll finds that two out of three Americans believe that Social Security and Medicare costs are already creating a crisis for the federal government, but 27 percent say that government should not try to control Medicare costs and 34 percent support only minor changes to the program.


Glynn Kalara said...

Keep em stupid is the GOP's mantra. Unfortunately, most 'Mericans cannot differentiate between an entitlement and an Ins. program. The GOP knows this and purposely confuses people by calling Medicare and SSI "entitlements" as if they're welfare. The Dems as usual don't do much to stop them.

Jim Sande said...

Its become one of my pet peeves. I started calling my gov, senators, and congressman, and I am going to make a point of making this distinction for them, that's next week.