Monday, May 02, 2011


We have been reading about people rejoicing with the news of Bin Laden's death. People feel a sense of justice has been served. Some feel moved by a patriotic urgency. There is a type of grieving and relief that has come about.

For me, I am inclined to reflect on the history since 9-11 rather than rejoice in the terrorist's death.

Its been a rather tumultuous decade to say the least. The list of changes and upheavals in America since 9-11 is long and I am not recapping here.

One would be hard pressed to call it a particularly enlightened decade. It is a decade and period marked with fear and constriction, other negative overlays as well, somewhat depressing you might say.

People are speculating that this might be the end of Al Qaeda, that of course would be just fine, but we suspect that if it is then others will resume such desperate acts.

Politics remains more divisive than at any time we can recall. The GOP is even hard pressed to mention Obama's name within the content of their statements on Bin Laden. The omission is very telling. So be it.

Moments like these, are good times to also reflect on the need for greater clarity, greater sanity in our society, and there is much to dispute this last part - more democracy and freedom.

Good things do not come about easily. They are usually hard fought. That's how it works.

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