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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nothing Has Changed Here

My understanding of the Israeli Palestinian conflict is limited, very limited.

Along with most people in the world, we have witnessed this ongoing conflict our entire lives and most of us are sick of it. Sick in the sense that we want the conflict ended, ended years ago not still ongoing into the infinite future.

One of the most curious aspects of it in my opinion is that this conflict has consumed the world's attention. There are slightly over 7 million Israelis and slightly over 4 million Palestinians, yet they garner the attention of billions of people. The spotlight of humanity gets cast on this area constantly.

I have heard people talk about how to resolve this crisis my entire life and I suspect I will hear more of the same for the rest of my life.

On the level of concern for humanity, we want all people to be happy and to contain a vision of a brilliant future, to live in harmony, all of the good things we know.

My prediction at this point leans toward Israel controlling the entire area. That is the way the momentum of the decades is moving. We all seem to know this and in one sense the drama that has been playing in the news the past few days has no relevance. Yet we pay attention anyhow, maybe out of force of habit.

CS Monitor: Why such a warm reception for Benjamin Netanyahu at US Congress?
"Israel will not return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967," he said, to a vigorous burst of cheers and applause.

Since 1990, pro-Israel groups have contributed more than $97 million to congressional candidates – 67 percent to Democrats and 33 percent to Republicans...

The press should have paid more attention to Obama’s calls to negotiate new borders, which included the likelihood of land swaps.

“I will accept a Jewish state.”

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