Thursday, April 07, 2011

Democracy Now - Joseph Stiglitz On "Of The 1 Percent, By The 1 Percent, For The 1 Percent"

This is a must watch.

Part 1

Part 2


Glynn Kalara said...

Obummer is Goper lite. He won't listen to Stiglitz. He buys into the whole Voodoo economics thing hook line and sinker, because he needs billions from the rich to run again. He disgusts me. Hope and WTF? Disastrous 2.5 yrs. of BV$H lite is all we have in DC. Throw all of them out is my advice.

Jim Sande said...

Stiglitz helps me to re-realize that there are some economists out there who have opinions that really matter. The past three years have placed economists in a poor light, in my opinion.

Obama will not agree with Stiglitz. The GOP is running on emotion and that charge is mowing down common sense and carefully articulated positions like that of Stiglitz. Its a genuine shame.