Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birth Or

I actually feel bad for Obama on this one. It was all so pathetic.

On the other side of the equation, according to what we know about authoritarians this will not put the matter to rest.

It will only be a matter of time before the noise resumes full blast.


Ed said...

Three sentences, don't understand any of them, explication?

And 'authoritarian,' give a hint how you're using the word.

Jim Sande said...

Obama released his birth certificate today.

The issue with the birthers was tragic and I feel bad for Obama in that he was attacked like this.

Authoritarians as opposed to democratically minded people, will see Obama's release of a birth certificate to still be invalid because the source of the fact is inadequate from their perspective.

Jim Sande said...

Ed, I'm an INTJ, INTJ,s think and write in shorthand.

Ed said...

Shorthand is fine as long as you don't mind people asking you what you mean.

I hadn't heard about the new BC release.

INTJ, is that Jungian typology? Beats me.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, INTJ is from the Meyers Briggs typology indicator or MBTI as it is affectionately known. Both Meyers and Briggs were informed by Jung and expanded on Jung's initial work on typology.

I realized after you wrote the initial comment that maybe some people had not heard about the birth certificate coming out.

I think the entire birther business is garbage, it represents a supreme low from the right. I also have no doubt that hey are quite capable of lowering their very ugly bar further. Right about now its dragging in hell. I guess next is sub hell.