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Monday, April 23, 2007

Stalling Tactic Number 50

We are hearing a new and frequently repeated slogan from the ranks of the war party. The war party includes the supporters of an unlimited never-ending war agenda in Iraq and the Middle East; McCain, Brownback, Lieberman, Cheney, all scurrying neo-conservatives, and supporters of Fox News willing to embrace anything that comes from our ultra-conservative bible-shielded authoritarian President.

The new slogan is; setting a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq is the same as handing a victory over to the terrorists.

First one thing needs to be made clear. The Iraqis are not terrorists. The vast majority of people involved with the insurgency are not terrorists. They are Shiites and Sunnis. The designation 'terrorist' comes from the 'with us or against us' simple minded logic and sadistic tendency of the Bush administration. By this rationale almost the entire world's population including the majority of Americans are terrorists.

The real message of the slogan is to maintain an endless war and military presence in the Middle East. It is simply the most recent public relations devised word play to express that sentiment, specifically designed to baffle and capture the 5 second sound byte logic desperately sought by the culpable-free main stream media.

What were some other public relations firm slogans designed to maintain the endless war presence, 'As the Iraqis stand up we will stand down.' Yet we have this: Training Iraqi troops no longer driving force in U.S. policy Poof another slogan bites the dust.

Previous slogans included; 'cut and run', 'the war will pay for itself.', 'the insurgency is in its last throes', 'six months tops.' You get the idea.

When examined logically 'setting a timetable for withdrawal is the same as handing victory to the terrorists' is meaningless. Dissect the syntax and meaning and you are left with a never ending feedback loop, same as placing a microphone in front of a speaker. It literally removes any possibility of withdrawal virtually ever, because as soon as we go, why then the terrorists come back and attack of course. Its a slogan that is akin to an addiction. Once the drug is there, we better keep using it because if we get off it, well then .....

Bush chose to go down the path of the neo-conservative ideological mayhem long ago. He has dodged, obfuscated, lied, told half-truths, ruined lives beyond repair, ruined careers, divided the country, his dirty laundry list is massive.

Let's not fall for this new phoniness. Let's wise up ok.

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