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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Get Out of Iraq

Enough already, get the US troops out of Iraq.

When the US was involved in its civil war, what possible help would French soldiers have provided in the situation? At least one could argue that the similarities between French and English are far greater than the similarities between English and Arabic. Still the French would be clueless about how to speak with the Americans. How would the French be able to figure out what is what?

September 7, 2002, Bush appears with Tony Blair and states, Iraq was "six months away from developing a (nuclear) weapon" and "I don't know what more evidence we need."

That statement to most seems absurd and to some reckless at this point. Yet without a doubt, the American people were scared into the Iraq occupation.

The fear of Iraq subsides, and the majority knowingly understand that they were manipulated into accepting this unmitigated disaster. Yet we still here the fear factor revved up with the unsubstantiated argument that if we don't fight them there they will follow us here. This is an argument dreamed up in the highly financed walls of P.R. firms.

September 8, 2002, Rumsfeld speaks on 'Face The Nation.' He says, "Imagine a September 11th with weapons of mass destruction. Its not three thousand, its tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children."

Rumsfeld pushes three major false buttons with this reckless statement. In the real world, there were no nukes in Iraq, there were no WMD in Iraq, and there were no ties between the terrorists of 9-11 and Iraq. Yet we are still facing the continuation of a failed policy. How can a policy based in such false reasoning suddenly turn into something of value? This is like a criminal raping a woman and then wondering why she won't love him. Its absurd. As recently as last week Cheney was on national media making the same points as Rumsfeld and we must remember that Cheney is the Vice President.

It only took 4 years and 2 months to ditch Rumsfeld, the man Cheney called the greatest Secretary of Defense.

All the reasonings for this occupation were wrong or deliberately misleading. Bush still carries on with the notion that there is a yellow brick road in the middle of a desolate hell like place.

And now this: Gates announces longer tours in Iraq

With the escalation of the occupation, the troops are the ones getting the brunt of this side of the policy. The Iraq civil war is the other side of it.

Enough is enough. Cut the funding, get the troops the hell out of there.

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