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Saturday, July 08, 2006


In my conversations with friends, at some point we move in the direction of what can we do now with such a forced and regressive political atmosphere that spills into our lives, our conscience, each day evoking a permanent wince. From day to day the headlines move from head slapper to jaw dropper.

I say it all the time, do five minutes of light research on the web and discover information that will stun you. The connections between political leaders, corporate leaders, religious fundamental leaders, and the military are there for you to recognize and understand. This is vastly important because this is directly influencing your life. Society is shaped by the interconnected power elite.

This is a time of possibility. If you believe it is a time of contraction and confinement, you allow the regressive element to succeed. It is true that a lie may travel around the world as if it had wings, but brilliance has solid stable wings.

Here is a quote by a brilliant man.

"...That's why I think culture is so important. It provides a visionary alternative, a distinction between the this-worldness and the blockage that one sees so much in the world of the everyday, in which we live, which doesn't allow us to see beyond the impossible odds in power and status that are stacked ......... and the possibility of dreaming a different dream and seeing an alternative to all this. I learned this many years ago from a great English critic, Raymond Williams, who more than anyone else taught me the notion of always thinking the alternative. Not so much only the dream, which is rather other-worldly, but to every situation, no matter how much dominated it is, there's always an alternative. What one must train oneself is to think the alternative, and not to think the accepted and the status quo or to believe that the present is frozen." Edward Said from the book "The Pen and the Sword"

Your homework: learn about the IRD
Some IRD analysis here

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