Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Smile, its Fascism

1. "a political system in which all power of government is vested in a person or group with no other power to balance and limit the activities of the government. Fascist governments are often closely associated with large corporations and sometimes with extreme nationalism and racist activities. Modern fascism is often called corporatism."
Can any of you think of a president that is pushing for unlimited power and the right to break any laws made by Congress, say wiretapping for example. Isn't that called the unitary presidency? "Corporatism", interesting, can we think of any place were the role and power of corporations greatly exceeds that of individuals?

2. "A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts the nation above the individual; characterized by a centralized government and headed by a dictatorial leader."
Let's see our very own Supreme Court just made it A-OK for the police to not even bother to knock and come right on into your home and arrest you. I'm gonna think that this just might be a case where the rights of the nation exceeds that of the individual.

3. "Fascism, which was not afraid to call itself reactionary... does not hesitate to call itself illiberal and anti-liberal." Benito Mussolini
Anti-liberal, hey wait a minute, Isn't there someone out there maybe a group of people, who is calling for all liberals in this country to be shot, Give ya a hint...Rush, Rush who? Ann, Ann who? Sean, Sean who? Fox **** Fox what?

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