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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

'The Pretender'

Jackson Browne - live from home


Mark said...

Damn. He's stretched his 5 minute song to 7 + minutes. Verbose. A respected troubadour of "literate pop music", IMO, but brevity is not his thing.

YOU, on the other hand are the master of concise statement. You say what needs to be said with no waste, only what is needed.

I think another contrast is that your psyche is not on display at the center of your work. Mr. Browne is barely at a distance from his storied characters.

Jim Sande said...

Thank you. When I put these pieces together, I just do what seems to correspond to my way of doing it. I have no formed plan about it. The classical guitar pieces are on the other hand more difficult to produce simply because it's really hard to get a relatively error free performance that conveys the bulk of the track. In time I'm hoping I will get better at that.

Mark said...

You may simply 'do what you do', but I draw a straight line from your originals in Hot Lobsters and Boy In The Button through the decades to now. Your favored shapes, structures and sounds are lean and "minimalist" which resonates for me.

Not that there's anything wrong with a 7 minute treatise on lost dreams: "...Are you there? Say a prayer for the pretender
Who started out so young and strong only to surrender..." It's a strange lyrical choice to celebrate the life of Berklee School pres. Roger Brown, but who cares about that. I like your stuff better.