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Wednesday, July 28, 2021


  Right now there are three harsh news stories that particularly concern me: global warming, Covid, and the January 6th terrorist assault on the Capitol. Each represents an extraordinary threat. We are experiencing record heat waves, extreme drought, massive wildfires, and flooding along with things like unusual dust storms that cause twenty car pileups. This is global warming, the tipping point into extreme weather pattern changes is here. Covid is tricking us with new variants and it is not clear how this plays out. The terrorist assault is a direct attack on democracy and the rule of law, it's that simple. Unfortunately Republicans are siding with the terrorists and that does not bode well for future elections and the semblance of democracy we presently experience. 

 Obviously there is far more to it on gross and subtle levels. Just mentioning a few; with global warming, there is the fate of animals and insects and that effect on life, how global warming is changing our health, our work, where we live, not to mention poverty. With Covid one thing that concerns me is its effect on mental health, how people are coping, along with how the subtle ways that life has changed in the last year with more of a dependence on all things internet. We are entering a new era of personal and business interaction, not to mention how A.I. is changing the economy. The terrorist attack is the outcome of the horrendous years with Trump as president. His cult of followers have thrown reality to the wind and accept Trump's wide buffet of lies and propaganda all of which are designed with only one interest and that is Trump's own crazed narcissistic ego stroking needs.  

  It's all enough to cause a wide range of emotions from despondency to extreme anger. Yet I am optimistic, I really and truly am. I believe the fundamental human nature is okay and that the corresponding vast display of sanity and understanding is present and alive.


Mark said...

This roller coaster of despondency, extreme anger and optimism is enough to cause me to eat a piece of Korean Street Pizza.

*the above is meant for entertainment purposes only and does not in any way intend to diminish the intent of the post or the feelings of the poster.

Jim Sande said...

Beware - Korean street pizza is only intended for external fantasy observation and not intended to be taken internally. That thing is a walking heart attack.

paul said...

We said Jim. I'm with you 100%. Great Blog! Keep up the good work!!

Mark said...

Oh, to collapse in a Korean street after eating Korean street pizza is one of my external fantasies.
I also think "Fantasy Observation" is a poor band name.

Jim Sande said...

Paul thanks for the props, please feel free to join in with comments anytime as it is usually only Glenn, Mark, and myself duking it out. We could use another voice.