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Friday, March 19, 2021


 NY Times: Biden Has Disappeared His presidency will be transformational to the extent that he transforms himself. By Frank Bruni

No culture wars for America’s 46th president: Those are just distractions that give oxygen to a Republican Party gasping for it. No distractions, period, for him.


Glynn Kalara said...

Apparently an old Dog can indeed learn new tricks, or is it the wisdom of age has taught him the error of his and others ways? Or is it the times with their multipole major crisis's that has elevated his game. He was elected to deal with this stuff not do what the last guy did run away from all of it and blame everyone else for his troubles. It was also not do what the guy before him did and rely on his oratorical skills and good faith to change things in the face of a relentless foe that NEVER compromises and NEVER takes any prisoners. Whatever it is President Biden seems to know what to do and he's doing it! Good for him and good for all of us!

Jim Sande said...

You know the more I think about it, I believe Trump literally went insane during his presidency. I know the guy had his issues all along, still his level of paranoia and need to exert his presidential power to corrupt all institutions including the CDC in order to assuage his inner demons at the expense of the nation and the world is unparalleled.