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Monday, March 29, 2021

Watch - Mars Cam Views From NASA Rover During Red Planet Exploration


Glynn Kalara said...

Great quality pictures. If there's any life on Mars it's probably deep underground where there's liquid water and some source of heat or energy. The surface looks dead as a door nail. A super desert like NOTHING on earth. Even the driest nastiest desert on earth can't hold a candle to Mars. If we go there we had better bring refreshments along until we can figure out a way to grow food there.

Jim Sande said...

I think colonizing Mars is a bad idea. Fine to go visit and learn about it, but humanity living there, nope. It's not our habitat. The dangers involved with existing there are enormous. The likelihood of death or injury from the simplest thing is high. Also people would be literally 100% dependent on the 100% accurate functioning of technology. That seems like really bad odds.