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Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Chicago Tribune: Column: What happens to Trumpism after Trump? Auditions are underway. By Clarence Page


Mark said...

Trumpism is the new normal. He's revealed and empowered the shadow America that always was. The article spells out clearly the tribal motivation for his base: "he simply was there, speaking to their despair and resentments..." It's that simple.

We know that truth and compassion and reason don't factor in with supporters - but they are our neighbors and relatives and if we choose to see it, are more like us than unlike us. If we don't recognize even a small amount of Trumpism in ourselves, we will not deter it.

Thank you for letting me shout from my soapbox! Now onto other daily panic.

Jim Sande said...

Judging by the stats this blog gets, many many people are reading comments. Please keep commenting, it's important.

One thing I read that has stuck in my mind is that after Hitler went down and Germany went back to 'regular', the people that supported Hitler simply went to work and lived more normally. I don't think we are at that point obviously, Trump's cult is spinning in the whirl of it all. America has hit a wall, it's messy. I would agree in that the best we can do personally is move our own selves into better actions and move towards being decent human beings.

Mark said...

"the best we can do personally is move our own selves into better actions and move towards being decent human beings"

Bravo yes! America is out best when the example is set and the opposite now.
Having Obama in office didn't reduce racism, but didn't encourage it. Our behaviors define us and we can become what we practice.

keep those cards and letters coming!