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Thursday, March 26, 2020

What Happens

  If you can read this article, please do and work with the interactive model. Long story short, if we stop social distancing now, the number of infections goes unbelievably high. The number of deaths tops a million. Trump is completely full of shit and hurting all of us by recommending back to normal by Easter. That would be insane. Hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

NY Times: Trump Wants to ‘Reopen America.’ Here’s What Happens if We Do. By Nicholas Kristof and Stuart A. Thompson - Model created with Gabriel Goh, Steven De Keninck, Ashleigh Tuite and David N. Fisman
“Anyone advising the end of social distancing now needs to fully understand what the country will look like if we do that,” cautioned Dr. Tom Inglesby, a health security expert at Johns Hopkins University. “Covid would spread widely, rapidly, terribly, and could kill potentially millions in the year ahead, with huge social and economic impact.”

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