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Monday, April 22, 2019

By The Numbers

The Palmer Report: The impeachment of Donald Trump by the numbers by Bill Palmer


Glynn Kalara said...

Read a great comment at Palmers site. I'm against Impeachment at this time especially considering once it gets to the Senate it ends up in Lindsey's Graham's dirty hands. The GOPutin would turn it into an investigation of the President's enemies not what it should be a trial of him for the crimes he's obviously committed. So, investigate the hell out of him in the House where we have some power and not even bother going to a dead end or worse in a Senate trial we cannot hope to win. Try to build on the Mueller Report which at a min. shows just how morally and ethically bankrupt he is and his followers are. Get his taxes and dig into his businesses the way he's fighting to hide all of that should tell you right there he's worried about plenty.

Jim Sande said...

Interesting strategy, we'll see how this plays out of course. Congress has been on break and they only resume today. They were on break when Barr released the redacted version, obviously Barr knew they were on break and played it to his advantage with the media.