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Monday, April 22, 2019


Guardian UK: Sanders dares Democrats to stop him – but is he the man to beat Trump? by Lauren Gambino
Sanders was beaten in the primary but the senator and his allies clamored for and won changes to party rules they said were “rigged”. Now, the party’s role in choosing its nominee has been limited and a Sanders nomination is a very real possibility. At the top of early polls, the increasingly confident senator from Vermont is daring the “political establishment” to stop him.


Glynn Kalara said...

It's going to come down to Bernie or Biden. Bernie, if elected, will at least try to make some fundamental changes to our Healthcare system which is massively broken. Biden will be a figurehead for Corporatist rule where the rich will just get even richer. He might make a few minor tweaks to try and make voters happy, but I doubt much else. On the ? of who could beat Donald I would imagine either.

Jim Sande said...

I can't say yet because there have been some wild swings lately in Federal elections. I mean seriously who in their right mind thought Trump was anything but the joke candidate there to get his name around and to capitalize on that recognition. Bernie may win, if he does, I'll vote for him. I will be voting for anyone else but Trump.