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Monday, January 22, 2018

Replacing Kelly

Vanity Fair: “I’ve Got Another Nut Job Here Who Thinks He’s Running Things”: Are Trump and Kelly Heading for Divorce? With the president and his chief of staff arguing in public, Ivanka Trump takes charge of finding a replacement. by Gabriel Sherman


Glynn Kalara said...

Yes, he's convinced his poll nos. are in the high 50's LOL. That's what happens when you ONLY watch Fox and listen to ass kissers that you surround yourself with. He's firmly embedded himself in the far right media bubble. Good, that way he'll never see what's coming. The only problematic part is he'll move against Mueller at some pt. on the belief, it will be a popular move.

Jim Sande said...

You could very well be right. He only tunes into good news and ignores, rather, blots out the bad which is the dominant thing. He's one crazy man, it's almost tragic if it weren't for the fact that he's is the freaking president.

Jim Sande said...

I was actually amazed at Morning Joe this a.m. The man was literally ripping Trump a new one, calling him basically weak, impotent, and dumb over and over. It was unbelievable trash talking.