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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Poor Baby

Guardian UK: Trump paints himself as the real victim of Charlottesville in angry speech - Speaking at a rally in Phoenix, president attempts to counter widespread, bipartisan condemnation of his response to far-right violence


Glynn Kalara said...

You can tell Trumpf knows the game is up by the way he is increasingly the VICTIM every time he talks and he also is retreating more and more into this delusion that someone is going to protect him from Mueller. This will all end with him resigning and blaming everyone for it but himself. It's just a matter of when and my guess that will be right before Mueller is going to release his uber damning report to Rosenstein and Congress. He'll take a Pence pardon and go away. The country and the world will take sigh in relief and move on to having to deal with the next clown a tool of the Dominionist religious right Mr. Pence. We aren't going to escape this nightmare that easy folks sorry.

Jim Sande said...

Pence will be forever linked to Trump. Just how Carter ran in 76 he linked Ford to Nixon. He'd call it the Nixon-Ford administration and poor Ford had to wear that around his neck. Pence gets the same treatment. Also Pence will be easier to attack from the left. He about 10% of Trump's fat noisy assed mouth.