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Saturday, December 19, 2015

One Percent

Guardian UK: 'No BS in Bernie Sanders': unwavering fight against the mega-rich still resonates - Recent events have shifted the focus of the political landscape, but Sanders has maintained a rabid single-mindedness about his war on the 1% that has carried his insurgent campaign this far: ‘These guys have got to be confronted’


Glynn Kalara said...

The mass media is intent on making next yrs. campaign about TERRORISM ( only the Islamic version.) No other topic is going to be allowed . I'm sure ISIL will play it's part during the year by gunning down blowing up some more westerners somewhere. ( so we all stay focused on what really counts,) which is the fight them and while doing it gutting what's left of our economy and Civil Liberties.

Jim Sande said...

Yup, it's already there. I watched the GOP debate and essentially it was about who would be the toughed and most ruthless on terrorism. Now Trump is talking about using nukes. It's quite a spectacle and the ratings are through the roof. It's a big win win for the MSM and the GOP. Hillary has her hand in the action too, unfortunately Bernie does not. Bernie's statements are too sane which is too boring for the MSM.