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Friday, December 18, 2015

Global Warming - Heat

Climate Central: The Planet Keeps Breaking Heat Records


Glynn Kalara said...

The deep blue patch in the north Atlantic south of Greenland is caused by the rapidly increasing meltdown of the Greenland ice sheet and the freshening ( fresh water) of the Ocean in that region and the concurrent effect of a slowing of the Atlantic over turning current that drives the entire Ocean current / heat system planet wide. The other leg of this heat machine is off the northern edge of Antarctica where a similar area exists ( of salty cold sinking water.) As the area in the north cools and freshens though it doesn't sink as fast slowing the current and disturbing the transference of heat into the atmosphere. The result over many decades is still literally "up in the air." Nobody knows for sure what will happen. One Computer model says one thing and another one says something else. Unlike the dramatic movie made in 2002 "The Day After Tomorrow" where for Hollywoodish reasons this whole event was compressed into a few months it's not likely we'll be seeing any of the kinds of events we saw in that movie. The last two winters and this extreme warm fall though could be a more accurate example of the kind of see sawing in the system that we might be starting to experience as the upper altitude winds and hi pressure systems start to change. Part of this is also the extreme warming going on in the Arctic itself and the melt down of the Arctic sea ice in the summer. It all works together and it's all changing rapidly by geologic time scales ( not human time scales.)

Jim Sande said...

I appreciate your words here as they convey a lot of good information. What can we say, we look at the evidence virtually every single day. It's here, the planet is getting hotter, many subtle and yet massive changes are happening quickly and we are witnessing the changes first hand. The main fear many of us hold is will we survive, how bad does this get.