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Monday, April 27, 2015

Global Warming - FOX

Salon: Fox News’ hilarious climate denial: Global warming isn’t real because Bill Nye flew in a plane - "For most climate change activists...the root of every evil is a beating human heart" by Joanna Rothkopf


Glynn Kalara said...

Climate denial is really just a sub-set of a much larger movement on the far right anti-Intellectualism. At its core lies a deep hatred of fact and test based science and its "scientific method" of inquiry all products of the Age of Reason. The Age of Reason in the west came after 200 yrs. of religious conflict ( the so called Reformation and before it the long Dark ages or Medieval period.) What we are witnessing with this outburst of Un-reason is an attempt to rewrite Reality where the religious fanatics win the Reformation and the Age of Reason never happens. They'd like a return to both the non-thinking of the Middle ages and the religious fanaticism of the Reformation and if possible a Capitalistic version of Feudalism. What they want removed is any science that gets in the way of this kind of dominance.

Jim Sande said...

Yes they cherry pick science as needed. The wealthy are winning, income inequality is growing, and a very dumb population is desirable from the 1% point of view. A large part of the population literally believe in Middle Age fantasy - the earth revolves around the sun, there are angels, everything goes according to the bible.