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Monday, January 13, 2014

Climate Change The State Of The Science


Glynn Kalara said...

I feel sorry for my kids and their kids. What a friggin mess we're leaving them. Already they ask me why didn't we do something about this when we found out 25 yrs. ago. I tell them most of us really didn't know that much about it till Gore's movies 10 yrs ago, before that it was considered something that wouldn't happen any time soon or for hundreds of yrs. yet. That all turned out to be wishful thinking. The change is hard upon us now.

Jim Sande said...

It's hard to think about this. It's a contemplation on willful stupidity and greed that's leading to massive catastrophe and suffering on this fragile planet. The conservative/corporate culture in America is powerful and unshakeable and knows no limits.