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Saturday, August 31, 2013


  Good morning. It is 70 degrees and cloudy here in Upstate NY. We had thunder and rain throughout the night. The new dog got scared and spent the night in the bathroom hunkered down with her nose under the little kick plate area under the vanity. Now she is out retrieving a ball, so the damage isn't permanent. I am going to relax a bit with the blogging through the long weekend so if you see a little less attention here that's why. I will be back on Tuesday.

  Looking through the news I think this article merits attention beyond the upcoming bombing of Syria. CNN: Why Fukushima is worse than you think

  After all, there's pollution but then there's pollution that will very quickly kill you. Speaking of killing, the thought is going around questioning why it's better to kill people using bombs than to kill them using chemical gas weapons. Good point there - I think. Of course in America the mechanism to make bombs is a strong part of our tradition and economy, our economy being the leading economy in the world, and consequently the best, right, because the biggest is the best and the holiest. We are humane, we don't gas people, we just blow them to kingdom come. I would point to Nagasaki and Hiroshima as highlights of that mechanism. Unfortunately it's too easy to be sarcastic, sarcasm strikes me as a symptom of ignorance so when I find something intelligent to type I will.

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