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Saturday, August 31, 2013




Glynn Kalara said...

More like Rocky the flying squirrel then a bird. Technically they aren't flying at all they're gliding and that isn't flight. A bird can gain altitude by flapping its wings it can stall in mid-air and recover it can do endless things including gliding. Birds started a hundred million yrs. agoas gliding dinos and evolved into what we have today. Maybe, a subset of humans are starting down that path and maybe millions of yrs. from now there will be birdlike humans. I doubt it though. I can't see any evolutionary reason why as a species we'd go in that direction. Birds evolved for evolutionary reasons and survived the rock that killed off all the other dinos because they could fly away to a place in that moment in time that allowed them to survive when almost everyone else didn't. Still a great video.

Jim Sande said...

I watched this last night on Netflix. It's a very interesting breed of select people, I suspect they are very well off to say the least. The entire sport is now evolving very quickly and with computer assists, robotic assists, I think there's a lot of headroom. Right now though I'll stick to a bicycle.