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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Obese At Birth

Here is the problem. The food we eat is pure crap and causes obesity. Humans were not designed to eat white flour mixed with sugar and preservatives all day long, every day. You want to be thin, here's the trick - never ever ever eat white sugar in any food, anyway, and then do not eat flours of any kind - white, corn, whole wheat, etc. Maybe use buckwheat flour because buckwheat is basically an herb. So this means no - donuts, bread, bagels, twinkies, cakes, pies, cupcakes, fried chicken (which is covered in flour), cookies, crappy cereals etc. What all diets that attempt to bring the human body into better conditioning agree on is this simple fact. We are designed to eat vegetables and fruits. Beyond that it's all about moderation of consumption. Being obese is not human evolution. It's the human body reacting to our disinterest in cooking decent food in favor of eating quick fast, and yes tasty, food that is basically making us sick and fat.

AlterNet: Obese From the Womb? The Shocking New Trend in America’s Weight Epidemic - A mother's weight and diet can have a major impact on obesity risks.

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